The 10U level advances beginning players moving up from the 8U level. The 10U level is for girls from 9 & 10 years old with birthdays between May 1, 2014, and April 30, 2016.
This age group continues to focus on the development of key playing skills of softball to include throwing, catching, hitting, fielding and base running. At this age coaches will pitch to the batters with a less-defined arc on the ball to resemble the angle of pitches players will face as they advance to fastpitch play.
Girls 10U softball will run four days per week, Mon-Thur. Times are 10:45am-12:00pm and will be at LaFave Park (Sacred Heart Fields). Schedules for the entire summer will be posted prior to the first week of practice.
$130.00 - City of EGF residents
$165.00 - participants living outside of EGF City Limits, attending school in EGF and live within Polk County
$260.00 - participants living outside of EGF and Polk County**
**Must fill out Non-resident participation form for permission to participate
Start Date - Monday, June 9th, 10:45am
End Date - Wednesday, July 23rd
Registration must be completed by clicking on the Registration tab below. Registration will open on Monday, March 24th. Registrations must be completed by Tuesday, April 15th to avoid paying late fees. Registrations from April 16th through April 23rd will pay a $50.00 late fee per registration item. Registration will close on Wednesday, April 23rd.
Programs offered through the EGF Parks & Recreation Department are setup for citizens within the EGF city limits. Those wishing to participate that live within Polk County but outside of the city limits MUST complete the Non-resident Participation Form.
** Players born between May 1, 2014, and July 31, 2014, can choose between playing either 10U or 12U Softball. **
Players should bring their own water bottles clearly marked with their name. NO sharing of water. Players must bring their own glove and are allowed to bring their own bat and batting helmet if they wish. We will have bats and batting helmets available to use.